In the beginning of September Thomas Seibold went with a couple of friends to their remote wilderness cabin in the Brooks Range of Alaska. The friends left on September 26 and Thomas utilized their cabin as a base from which to explore and set up a primitive camp further into the bush. He was expected to be back in touch between the end of October/ beginning of November with Nov 10th being the cut
off date to catch his flight back to Wisconsin on Nov. 15. It is clear that something happened which prevented Thomas from following his plans of trekking 30 miles to the town of Kobuk, where he would take his plane back to Fairbanks and then on to Wisconsin.
From here, we are working intensively with the search parties brainstorming ideas, gleaning information from letters he wrote, poring over maps, and becoming Thomas to envision what he might have done. Over there, a ground and aerial search is underway, three days ago the SAR (search and rescue) team inspected the cabin where he stayed with his friends and found that he had taken most of his gear including at least one 22 caliber rifle and enough meat and provisions to last him a while, but found no sign to guide them to his whereabouts. Due to the severe weather conditions (-23 degrees F), the short daylight hours and remoteness of the locale, the search troop is encountering various logistical challenges and due to intense winds have not been able to get the planes to the target areas (which were identified by local friends whom he discussed his plans with) for the last two days. Snowmobiles are not able to undertake the search because there are only 3 inches of snow on the mountainous terrain. For these reasons we have no further news. Please send Thomas positive energy and strength and keep him in your thoughts and meditations.
We will post more as soon as we receive word from the SAR team.

Posted by:

Lety Seibel

On Facebook


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